ICOSST 2022 loaded with the participation of leading Research Scholars and IT Entrepreneurs from the country and across the globe, comes to an end at UET Lahore.

Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS), UET, Lahore took the initiative 16 years back to organize International Conference on Open-Source Systems and Technologies (ICOSST). ICOSST is a signature event of KICS happening successfully at the institute since 2006. Like all previous conferences, the 16th edition was also massively successful and unique in its features inspiring researchers, academics, Industrial experts, public sector, and private organizations not only from across the country but also from around the world to witness quality research papers, invited talks, panel discussion and virtual exposition. The 2-day international conference was organized by Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS), University of Engineering & Technology Lahore in technical co-sponsorship by IEEE USA.

The Chairman Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC), Dr. Shahid Munir graced the opening ceremony of ICOSST-2022 with his presence as a Chief Guest. CTO, Punjab Safe Cities Authority, Mr. Tariq Malik, Senior Vice Chairman PASHA, Mr. Ali Ihsan, and CEO Netsole, Mr. Saleem Ghauri were invited as Distinguished Guests. The Chairman PHEC congratulated the organizers and participants of ICOSST 2022. He said, “As we all know that we are living in the era of knowledge-based economy and it is a proven fact that open-source systems and technologies are going to grab more share from the knowledge-based economy and the IT industry in the future”. Addressing to the participants of opening ceremony, Senior Vice President PASHA, Mr. Ali Ihsan said “We have to work in spaces where a lot of work has not been done so open-source technology allows us to operate across the spectrum in any new tech which hasn’t established players yet” whereas CEO Netsole Technologies, Mr. Salim Ghauri said “Today, we are recognized and accepted as an IT country in the world. Now is the time to take a lead in the IT sector and for this we need to focus on producing students with skills to avail more opportunities”. Special video messages from Chairman Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, Chairman PM Task Force on Science & Technology, Prof. Dr. Atta ur Rehman, and Dr. Mbemba from the University of the Gambia were also played at the opening ceremony.

Collectively 66 researchers submitted their manuscripts from various countries including Pakistan, China, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia; only a handful top quality papers were accepted by the Technical Evaluation Committee qualifying the merit-based criteria. Speakers were invited from prestigious universities of Pakistan and other countries like Australia, China, Berlin, UK to deliver talks in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Big data & Cloud computing, Robotics, Image Classification, Cyber Security, Blockchain, and the Internet of Things (lot). A panel discussion was also held as a module of the conference themed “Catching the Web 3.0 Wave for Pakistan” moderated by Jamil Goheer, Director Kualitetum – CEC P@SHA (Brand Committee Chair). The distinguished panel comprised Mr. Abraham, Director Marketing PEOPLE (Leading HR Management & Recruitment Company), Mr. Ahmed Muzammil, Director Mezino Technologies (Tech Industry Expert), Mr. Fakhar Khan, Director SoftPyramid (Industry Expert – Top Rated Upwork Team), and Mr. Atif Javaid, Director Aventrio (Industry – Business Development & Freelancing Expert), and Dr. Usman Ghani from UET Lahore.

Director KICS, Prof. Dr. Waqar Mahmood shared the modules of the conference with the participants and also highlighted the history of the International Conference on Open-Source Systems & Technologies at the opening ceremony. An exposition was also organized where products from different research labs of KICS were displayed. More than 20 industries came for the recruitment drive for the students. Participating industries include Cogent labs, Tekboox, Evsinc, Cure MD, Dynamics Solution and Technology, i2C, the learning hub, Metadort, PASHA, Manafa, Crosshair Technology, Advance Systemes pvt. Ltd, and Xebex.

A students-based competition “BRAINIAC’22” and BRAINIAC workshops were also organized by IEEE UET Lahore in collaboration with IEEE Lahore Section and KICS where students from various institutes participated in different modules including Artificial Intelligence/ML Coding competition, Internet of Things Project Idea Competition, Logo and Branding Competition, Impact – A Startup Idea Competition with the prize money of up to Rs. 100,000.

The closing ceremony of the conference took place on the second day of the conference. Director General Pro Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDM), Mr. Faisal Fareed participated as a Chief Guest. “The difference between the developed and the developing countries is basically the difference of knowledge and technology. If we want to join the stream of developed countries, it is important for our young generation to equip themselves with the latest technology” said Director General PDM, Mr. Faisal Fareed at the closing ceremony of ICOSST 2022. Director KICS, Dr. Waqar described briefly the 2-day event along with the recommendations made at the panel discussion. Vice Chancellor UET, Prof. Dr. Syed Mansoor Sarwar praised Dr. Waqar and his team for conducting the 16th in its series conference successfully. Addressing the participants, he said “We are trying to bridge the gap between industry and academia by providing more internship opportunities to the students, by having industry professionals to teach technology-oriented courses, and by holding training sessions for the faculty so that they can work for some time in the industry”.

At the closing ceremony, an MoU was also signed between Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS), UET Lahore and Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDM) to promote technical and research collaboration. Director KICS, Prof. Dr. Waqar Mahmood, and Director General, PDM, Mr. Faisal Fareed signed the MoU. The conference ended up with the certificate distribution to the participants and organizers. The winners of the students’ competitions were also announced and given the prizes.

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