Seminar on Civic Education: Shaping Responsible Citizens at UET Lahore

Organizing a seminar on Civic Education under the auspices of UET Lahore
Higher education institutions are not just a place of learning, here ideas are nurtured, and future leaders are formed. Vice Chancellor Dr. Shahid Munir.
Teachers should teach morals to students and train them, our society cannot afford any kind of corruption. Vice Chancellor Dr. Shahid Munir
25 November 2024
(Lahore) Organizing a seminar on Civic Education in UET Lahore. Character Building Society UET Lahore, Punjab Higher Education Commission and Center for Peace and Secular Studies organized this seminar in collaboration with Vice Chancellor UET Dr. Shahid Munir. He participated as a special guest and addressed the participants. The aim of the seminar was to highlight the importance of civic values ​​in the university students and the formation of responsible citizens. Dr. Yakub Khan of IT University attended the seminar. Bangash was the guest speaker and highlighted the importance of civic education in universities. He talked about the role of civic education in the promotion of social responsibility, tolerance and peace. Dr. Asif Munir from PHEC, Director of Center for Peace and Secular Studies Deep Saeeda, heads of educational and administrative departments and a large number of students attended the seminar. I attended.
In his address, Dr. Shahid Munir said that higher educational institutions are not just places of learning. These are the places where ideas are nurtured, where minds are formed, and where future leaders are formed. For peace and order and a peaceful life in the society, the culture of patience and tolerance should be promoted, political, social, religious and intellectual leaders should teach people good manners and patience while teachers should teach and train students in ethics. Our society cannot afford any kind of corruption. Center for Peace and Secular Studies Director Deep Saeeda said that the purpose of education is to bring about social change in the real sense rather than imparting information. Educational institutions are not only centers of knowledge but also bastions of character, compassion and conscientious citizenship. This seminar will pave the way for the promotion of civic education in universities. At the end of the seminar, the guests were awarded with commemorative shields.

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