UET Lahore Launches Innovative Patent Wall to Foster a Culture of Invention

In a landmark initiative to promote innovation and recognize the achievements of its inventors, the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore has inaugurated a dedicated Patent Wall. The ceremony was led by Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Shahid Munir (TI), alongside Deans from all faculties and Heads of various teaching and non-teaching departments. The establishment of the Patent Wall reflects a global trend in academia, where universities aim to honor the significant contributions of their researchers and scientists. At the first stage, almost 21 patents have already been approved.

“This initiative not only highlights our technological achievements but also inspires our students to pursue careers in invention and entrepreneurship,” stated Dr. Shahid Munir. “By showcasing our patents, we aim to cultivate a vibrant research culture that encourages innovation and collaboration.” He added. Dr. Munir encouraged researchers to embrace the philosophy of “patenting before publication” to bolster both the university’s and the nation’s Innovation Index. “Our goal is to create an environment where every innovative idea can be transformed into a patent, driving progress and economic development.” He said.


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