VC UET Chairs 124th ASRB Meeting, Emphasizes Research Aligned with Global Challenges and Market Needs

The Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (ORIC) University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, held the 124th Advanced Study and Research Board (ASRB) meeting, chaired by UET Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Shahid Munir (TI).The event saw the participation of Deans, Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. Nasir Hayat, ORIC Director Dr. Muhammad Asif Rafiq, and other faculty members.

The meeting focused on the approval of 11 new PhD proposals across departments such as City & Regional Planning, Chemistry, Mechanical, Polymer, Civil and Computer Science.

In his address, Dr. Shahid Munir highlighted the importance of aligning research topics with current global challenges and market demands. “This is an era of innovation, technology, and transformation; we must focus on research topics that positively impact society,” he said. He emphasized the need for research that addresses societal issues and encourages positive social outcomes. The meeting also provided a platform for supervisors and PhD students from various faculties to discuss their research topics and engage in a fruitful exchange of ideas.

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