Next Generation Wireless Networking Lab (NWN) at KICS, UET Lahore, plays a pivotal role in propelling Pakistan Railways to new heights with the ‘Digital Railway Driving System,’ enhancing safety, clarity, and efficiency in modern rail travel.

Pakistan Railways engineers have accomplished something groundbreaking in collaboration with engineers from UET – a “Digital Railway Driving System.” This system not only presents a significant advancement in preventing accidents but also offers train drivers unprecedented clarity in challenging conditions, even when visibility is reduced to 700 meters. Drivers can now, without any hassle, see the track’s clearance up to an impressive 700 meters ahead prominently displayed on their screens. This driving system will also detect obstacles on the track, even in severe smog. Successful trials have been conducted, and the system will be initially installed in four locomotives. Over the coming year, it will be progressively expanded and incorporated into the operation of all trains.
Keeping potential smog and reduced visibility in mind, Chief Executive Officer of Pakistan Railways, Shahid Aziz, tasked Chief Signal Engineer to develop a system that identifies obstacles in zero visibility, resulting in reduced train delays. In just one month, Pakistan Railways, in collaboration with engineers from the University of Engineering and Technology, has achieved what no other railway system in South Asia has. It is essential to note that this driving system allows train drivers to view obstructions up to 700 meters, even in zero visibility.
Furthermore, the new driving system includes a GPS feature that informs drivers about distances and journey duration during their travel. The system was tested under artificial smog conditions and proved to be highly successful. Pakistan Railways’ CEO congratulated the Signal Department and Chief Engineer Muhammad Ahmed on this successful testing. He stated that this driving system would significantly contribute to eliminating accidents caused by low visibility. Not only will it enhance safety during train journeys, but it will also contribute to the punctuality of train services.
In the past, smog used to force trains to run at reduced speeds, causing not only delays for passengers but also higher fuel consumption. With the new driving system, trains can continue at regular speeds even in heavy smog, resulting in significant fuel savings. This system is a breakthrough for passenger comfort. Pakistan Railways’ Chief Safety Officer added that this system is capable of providing visibility in darkness and proves to be a helpful tool in averting potential accidents.
This achievement is a significant milestone, not only for Pakistan Railways but for the entire region. It marks a leap forward in railway technology, ensuring both safety and efficiency and ensuring Pakistan Railways remains at the forefront of modern rail travel.